What Really Happened
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Now you know...........

There has been alot of talk about Gregs car accident..and many.......many jokes.  Most of which end with a comment about Arizona boys should not be allowed to be State Troopers in North Dakota.  Well.........we now know why Greg was reluctant to tell the truth about what happened the night he rolled his car.  It just so happens that NASA had a sattilite in the area that caught on camera what really happened and that Gregs lack of driving on ice in his lifetime truely has no bearing on why ND is now short one trooper car. See for yourself....oh.........Greg has no comment............
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The day started out like any other.......
Greg was driving down the road.....heading out of town to drop the hammer on all North Dakotaians

And then something just did not seem right.......

The roads were clear.........
no drunks............yeah right........something must be up..........

and this highly enhanced satillite photo shows
what was up.............

As Greg traveled he had no idea
what was about to happen

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the unusual amount of thawing in ND has uncovered a T-REX!!!

And it happened.....Gregs car rolled......
and he had to think of how he would explain this

He knew that no one would believe him.........
so "black ice" sounded alot better..........

Greg, as I said before, has no comment.  But the photos do not lie.  Stay tuned as we review years of Gregs mishaps to see if they, too were caused by extict creatures.

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